porsche 991 rsr
model from real racing 3
template by me, shading layer by DM2zzion
2013 michelin tyres by me
physic from grid gt 911 rsr
was converted and made for our online mod on eec and i just made a fast update to work as standalone with grid gt mod so all needed files are packed with the car instead of using our own stex and talent files and it comes with our damage system and a own dmg file
the car will work with the grid mod and is using their gdb file
its just a quick and dirty convert with cutted debris parts, the original model is just one body without any debris stuff
the steering wheel is from shift2 i think ^^ , the orignial one had a mapping error and i couldnt use it
motec is from shift2 z06r because im no motec builder and i have less time
have fun
greets PATR10T
known bug: the outside mirrors have a small stretching because its no plain model but you can see whats happening behind you